What's On
Specialist Sessions
- Check out our services page for details of our specialist groups for children and young people aged 6-25. In addition to these we have:
- Our free Late Diagnosis Group is open to anyone over 25 years old and have received or are being assessed for a diagnosis of autism or related conditions so come along and join in the activities, meet others and spend time with each other, share strategies and learn about services available (includes snack and drinks). The support group meets weekly on Wednesdays at Sunbeams, Unit 7 Enterprise Court, Gapton Hall Road or The Steam Café in Gorleston High Street. Alternating between 9.30-11.30 am and 6-8pm please check our dedicated Facebook page for times and venues https://www.facebook.com/groups/403324151757121
Special Events
- Summer Fete 2pm Saturday August 26th
- Charity Dig Sunday August 27th
- Halloween Ball 6.30pm Friday October 13th
- Bingo 6.30pm Saturday November 18th
- Xmas Fair 2pm December 3rd
Offered during term time only:
- Starting on September the 8th we will be running a Stay and Play 9.30-11.30 Refreshments provided. No charge but donation appreciated, all welcome but please be aware this group has been set up for those with additional needs.
- Our free Parent Support Group - 'Sunbeams Chat' is held fortnightly Wednesdays 9.30-11.30am and is open to parents and carers through out the community to come together, share experiences, ideas and strategies or to simply chat with others that understand (tea, coffee and biscuits provided). Please note due to unforeseen situations the time and day may change check out dates and times on our Facebook advice page https://www.facebook.com/groups/1698809840340877
Training and Workshops
- Follow the link for dates and subjects of next talk, parent programme or workshop. Talks, Training and Workshops
To check times and days or for more information please contact us at:
Unit 7, Enterprise Court, Gapton Hall Road, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, NR31 OND
Contact the office on 01493 442181 or info@sunbeamsplay.org.uk
or follow us on Facebook