Parent Support

Community Parent Support Group

Parents never want to hear that their child has been diagnosed with Autism and find it hard to believe there is no cure. Children on the Autistic Spectrum often face social disapproval not because they look different but because they don’t. Poor communication skills, unable to interact, strange patterns of play and sensory issues lead to difficult behaviour. Their behaviour can make life harder for them and their parents or carers who face awkward questions and unwanted comments.

Our support group for parents and carers is held fortnightly on Wednesdays 9.30-11.30am (Term time only), refreshments available.

1-1 appointments are available for parents and carers of children attending Sunbeams (please book).

Please note due to unforeseen situations the time and day may change please check Facebook page for dates and any changes

To check or for more information contact Julie on 01493 442181 or

Sunbeams Chat has been set up to provide a friendly atmosphere to meet others in similar situations, to share ideas, a listening ear and information and can be accessed through our weekly support group or through our Facebook advice page, available workshops can be found here